Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When Children Pray....

'Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God" Mark 10:14

We were asked to make a quick stop by an orphanage and we really only had about 30 minutes to spare. There was a transportation strike looming we were more than worried about the possibility become stranded an hour outside of the city. Thankfully we stopped, because all of my travels (nearly 20 nations) had not prepared me for what we were about to see.

They were all known as street children, about half of them had been completely illiterate. Previously their ambition was just to survive the week, but they had been rescued and now by the power of God their dream was to be a part of the rescuing. The pastor asked if before we leave the children could pray for us (usually it was the other way around but hey maybe a cute photo opp). I expected the children to quietly fold their hands and recite a nice memorized
prayer, but instead was astonished as they broke up into small groups and each placed their hands on our heads. These meek little voices unleashed passionate prayers almost at a shouting level. I admit i am by nature a little bit of a realist, and I suspected that they were merely imitating what they had seen others do. If i know one thing about children its that they ALWAYS look around when they are bored or doing something out of habit (much to my surprise I was the only one with my eyes open --yeah i am a punk) I felt probably much like disciples felt when Jesus chastised them in the verse above...very stupid. At that moment the Spirit of God flooded into that room. The type of feel it, touch it, taste it presence that even the most spiritually dead people are aware of. Never had I seen God respond in such a tangible way to the prayers of child.

Humbled I left....hoping my prayers too could touch the heart of God in such a way as this.

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